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Firefighters give oxygen to cat after rescuing it from burning Adelaide home

Firefighters gave oxygen to a cat they rescued from a burning home in Adelaide's north this morning.
Crews gave the feline water and a dose of oxygen to clear the struggling creature's lungs.
"When I first grabbed it off the front porch, it was struggling to breathe," Kyle Billows from the Metropolitan Fire Service.

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Firefighters gave the cat oxygen after rescuing it. (Nine)
 Crews gave the feline water and a dose of oxygen to clear the struggling creature's lungs.
Crews gave the feline water and a dose of oxygen to clear the struggling creature's lungs. (9News)
"Definitely in shock it was struggling to move."
Two people also had to be treated for smoke inhalation from the Elizabeth Vale property after fire erupted in a back room at about 11am this morning.
They were taken to hospital while the cat was taken to a vet.

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